The future of IoT device management

Custom IOT Solutions Development
With every passing day, IoT is getting bigger, connecting every house, office, and building. Since so many people are getting on the IoT bandwagon, it shows how famous and impressive the technology is. Although there is one huge problem which every business and household which harnesses the power of IoT is scared of. Cybersecurity. Protecting all devices connected to the Internet from malicious software and hackers is truly the future of enterprise IoT device management.

Enterprise IT device management is in trouble, and the reason is straightforward:

Nowadays, there are smart lock and smart home systems. But the day is not far when IOT will spread to even the most mundane tasks. Don't be surprised if one day you see a smart irrigation system with custom firmware. The companies who custom IoT solutions are a few hundred devices now will soon become a few thousand. A hacker just needs to hack one device and can immediately enter the whole framework and hurt the company very badly.

To prevent this and protect their interest, every company is not only improving its basic security features but, at the same time, updating its security features to the next level. Administrating a password at every level of security is a start, and too many failed passwords will immediately block your IP address temporarily to prevent any form of brute force hacking.


Moving forward, companies need to work very hard on their custom IoTsolutions. If they are implementing various passwords, they need to take care of the complexity which comes with it. On the other hand, failed password attempts need to be monitored and logged immediately.


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